Diamond Cutting Machines, Gemstone Drilling Machine etc.

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Gemstone Drilling Machine

Gemstone Drilling Machine

Gemstone Drilling Machine

The gemstone drilling machine is useful in making beaded gemstone necklace, earrings and other jewelry items.

One should always wear safety glasses when using a gemstone drill.

The drill should be held perpendicular to the stone. A wrong angle can causecracking at the entry or exit point.

Gemstone Drilling Machine

Gemstone Drilling Machine

Diamond Polishing in Progress

Diamond polishing machine

Diamond polishing machine

The photograph above shows diamond polishing in progress.

Gemstone Slicing Machine

Single saw gemstone slicing machine

Single saw gemstone slicing machine

The gemstone slicing machine is used to cut rough gemstones into smaller stones before cutting and polishing.

Gemstone Cutting & Polishing Machine

Gemstone cutting and polishing machine

Gemstone cutting and polishing machine


Gemstone cutting and polishing machine

Gemstone cutting and polishing machine

Electroplating Machine

A modern electroplating machine

A modern electroplating machine

Laser Engraving Machine

Laser Engraving Machine

Laser Engraving Machine

A laser engraving machine has many applications. It is not only used in the jewellery industry. In the jewelry industry it can be used to engrave names onto a ring or pendent.

Laser Engraving Machine

Laser Engraving Machine


Laser Engraving Machine Laser Engraving Machine

Laser Engraving Machine


Laser Engraving Machine

Laser Engraving Machine


Laser Engraving Machine

Laser Engraving Machine


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